Sunday, November 30, 2008

Reinventing Manliness!

Nowadays, men are becoming less and less manly! When I say manly, I mean in the traditional sense of the word. Nice plain suits, classy hats, polos and slacks are the traditional manly clothes of generations before us. But now metrosexual stylings are on the rise, further blurring the lines between men and women. Male manorisms are further stretching away from the traditional form of manliness. From how we shave to how we conduct our selves in a corporate environment. Every sense of being a man is threatened!

There is hope however and it can be found in the form of The Art of Manliness . This website has everything in it on how to be a more traditional manly man. I have personally been reading a vast variety of articles on that website as of late. You should too!

Read the articles, learn the lessons and help bring back manliness!


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