Saturday, November 29, 2008

Beard Blog: 2 weeks in

I have recently decided to under go the task of growing a full beard. Over the next several weeks I will be posting updates on here, complete with pictures. This week is the first update. The following are pics two weeks into bearding:


Left side:

Notice the light areas mid-cheek. This part will be the greatest challenge in weeks to come.


Right side:

So far the only real challenge is to resist the urge to shave. No matter how bad the beard feels or looks at first, absolutely no shaving/trimming! It's going to be this way for at least 6 weeks. It will be hell, but I believe the end result will be worth the wait. After new years, I can finally start to trim. For now, I just let'er grow!

Interested in growing your own beard? Visit some of these helpful sites:

Beard Revue
Art of Manliness

Some bearded inspirations of mine can be found here:
20 Manliest Mustaches and Beards from Facial Hair History

Check back in the future for more Tyler's Beard Blog updates.


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